
Artist Marko Tadić was born in Sisak, Croatia in 1979. Having earned a degree in painting from the Academia di Belle Arti in Florence, he pursued his art career by appearing as a guest artist at residential programmes in Helsinki, New York, Los Angeles, Frankfurt am Main and Vienna. 

Marko Tadić’s expertise is drawing, collage, animation and instalment. His ideas are built on the utopian architecture of the WWII aftermath along with modern urbanism. In search for scenograpy media, he browses through old photos from Zagreb flea markets such as Hrelić or Britanac, through blueprints of unbuilt cities and places that once used to exist and now exist only in Tadić’s artworks. These are geometric, minimalist and compelling in their straightness.

Tadić grew up with the motto “medium doesn’t matter, the idea is important,” which perfectly fits with his nature, having studied philosophy before becoming committed to art. He first has a concept or idea and then aims to find the best material to fulfil his needs.
In this sense the medium is always secondary and this is the reason why it often changes.